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XROSSOVER(クロスオーバー)という社名は、ジャンルの垣根を乗り越えて音楽性を融合させるスタイルを指す音楽用語のCROSS OVERという言葉に由来しています。頭文字をXとした理由は、Xが持つ“無限”という意味をこめて造語にし社名としています。我々は、様々な価値やメディアや業種の垣根を越えて価値を最大化していきたいという想いから名付け2015年に旗艦しました。







森 寛弘(もり のりひろ)

1976年生まれ、三重県津市出身。株式会社XROSSOVER(クロスオーバー) 代表取締役/CEO



The company name XROSSOVER (crossover) comes from the word CROSS OVER, a musical term that refers to the style of fusing musicality by overcoming the genres of genres. The reason for the initial letter X is coined with the meaning of “infinity” of X and it is taken as the company name. We flagged in 2015 with the naming desire to maximize value across various values, media and industry barriers.With the rapid spread and development of smart phones and platforms, communication tools have become a service based on global standards. They are going to recognize the products and services of my company using information sending on SNS and especially on WEB in that environment, but They do not know what to do. Or They are doing it already, but They do not see what They expected. There seems to be more people in charge of companies with such troubles than there are thought. In Japan, “digital communication as marketing” is still in a state of not getting cognitive and understanding.It can be said that most of corporate accounts operations are still considered as simple short-term advertising purposes. How to build systems and fans that will generate continuous profits – from this perspective SNS and other digital communications are not yet grasped.

Even companies that have traditionally used old media can not make good use of SNS operation. A major reason for this is a big change in the communication situation surrounding us. In the past, the consumer’s will display was “only to buy”. In the era when large media were transmitting most of the information, individual users’ voices were hardly heard by companies and users themselves. However, users who have had a lot of opportunities for manifestation of intention by SNS have expressed their own taste preferences freely without being caught up with anything by using this new media, and new forms of “connection form” , Users are now free to form their own communities independently of large media. It is a “connection place” where people with the same preference mutually exchange information and sympathize with each other. Current consumers are forced to pick out information on a daily basis. Under these circumstances, it is essential to create valuable information in order to differentiate products / services.

Users’ responses have been visualized on digital platforms and sites and data can now be read as funny. It became fully functional as a marketing tool.

When data can be grasped, information and content distribution will be strengthened based on analysis and it will become content that is diffused as a user. Users become gatherings, become fans, and become supporters (ambassadors) when they become comic content that can be “personalized” for users. In particular, SNS is also a medium growing and growing with users. We will work on your company’s marketing issues with full power.

Representative profile
Norihiro Mori (Norihiro Mori)

Born in 1976, he is from Tsu city, Mie Prefecture. XROSSOVER Corporation (Crossover) Representative Director / CEO

Support digital marketing in corporate branding in the recent SNS era, implement communication strategy support, consulting, digital promotion. Successful with SNS measures of various companies, called “Genius of SNS” in the industry.

Results come out [SNS marketing] Breakthrough Rule (Fusosha) November 23, 2108 issue first edition

森 寛弘

株式会社XROSSOVER(クロスオーバー) 代表取締役/CEO 企業ブランディングにおけるデジタルマーケティングを支援し、コミュニケーション戦略支援、コンサルティング、デジタルプロモーションを実施するデジタルマーケター。 主な著作 ・結果が出る[SNSマーケティング]てっぱん法則(扶桑社、2018年11月23日) ・デジタルでブランドは作れるか SNSを使ったデジタルブランディング(日経広告研究所報 310号 2020年4月1日)